Saturday, February 20, 2010


I found out from my nieces that the latest in-thing (at least in Canada) has been to collect Lush* products.

*Lush is a store in the mall that you can smell from a 2-block radius. Individually, their products are [somewhat] fragrant, but as a chorus on the store shelf, they will overwhelm you with an experience of the quintessence present in every grandmother's perfume of choice.
(Brace yourself: flashbacks imminent)

The day after Xmas, the grownups of the household were out (Aaron and I were too lazy to wake up and go with them) so I woke the kids and made everyone breakfast in preparation for a trip to the mall afterwards.

At the table, the two girls started planning their would-be purchases. Aaron listened to them talk about 60 grams of this and 100 grams of that, so he thought he'd make some conversation:

"Are you talking about soap?" he asked them.
"No," i said to him in a loud whisper. "They're talking about cocain."

The two of us BURST out laughing!!!

... and my nieces looked at us like we were from another planet called Cincinnati.

1 comment:

Allergyboy said...


They're snorting cocaine?!?!?