Friday, February 19, 2010

Sige na, People!!

A year long hush?! Where are the odd stories for all our fans? Well "fan" - we had one but I think the flashing lights of the virtual world have long stolen his pocket-sized attention span from our grasp! Take my word for it: Chronic Clicking (and double-clicking) will someday out-fashion ADD.

Just got home from dinner and a side-trip to the gas station where our headlight cover was crushed by the driver of a brand new car that decided to back up against us instead of moving towards the road ahead. REALLY, the guy had 2 options - front / back - was it that challenging?

Anyway, everyone's so nice here, Aaron didn't even bother honking because he thought the other guy was just adjusting the car and would stop in time. It was actually me, with my Filipino-driver instincts, who pounced on the horn with the speed and agility of a one-million-dollar-chance-of-a-lifetime game show contestant.

[Gimme a] BEEEEEP!!!!


the non fan said...

am i the fan you are referring to? excuse me lang no. hahahahaha i missed your weirdness!

i'm so busy i have better things to do than check ur blog! said...

omg! this blogsite is so dead.

poox said...

aba aba fiesty!! but no you are not the fan because the fan is a he (unless.. there's something you haven't told me over the last 25 years of our lives!!).

you are the antithesis of fandom (or so you think!)